You already saw my cheap photo decoration for my son’s first birthday party in this post, but here is my cheap entertainment! I couldn’t find a free baby shower or birthday party madlib online, so I created one.
In addition to watching the baby play, printable mad libs provided some entertainment at the party for the guests, and lots of entertainment after the party for us to read. I did something similar for our wedding (you can find that free printable here)! I think these would also be fun for a baby shower.
I, of course, personalized the mad lib with a grey-ed out photo of my son in the background and his actual name. We printed copies and left them on the tables with some pens. My favorite input was from one of my grandma-in-laws “I hope you … become a big brother soon”. Subtle, no?
Here is the link for the Free Printable Baby Shower Birthday Mad Lib which you can then edit and use yourself!
Not into DIY? There are several super cute options on Etsy.
Wednesday 22nd of July 2015
Wow what a great a idea birthday marlins! Can you email the file so I can work with? Thank you so much
Stephanie - Swoodson Says
Wednesday 22nd of July 2015
Hi! It's linked it the post- let me know if you have trouble opening it, here is the direct link:
Saturday 4th of July 2015
I love your #1 project and I'm thinking of making one for my granddaughter's 1st birthday party next week and one for my grandson's 1st birthday party next month!!! Love your blog!!!
Stephanie - Swoodson Says
Saturday 4th of July 2015
Hi Aleida! Yay, that's awesome. I'd love to see pictures if you make one :) What a fun Grandma you are. Thanks so much!
Lakshmi P
Tuesday 17th of March 2015
Can i plz email me the soft copy if you still have this.Couldnt find on the link give,Thanks again.
Stephanie - Swoodson Says
Wednesday 18th of March 2015
Hi Lakshmi, it's linked in the post - does this not work for you?
Renae Launderlife
Thursday 9th of January 2014
I ADORE this idea. I'm totally using it for Elliot's 1st birthday. :)
Friday 10th of January 2014
Yay! Please do!!
Monday 30th of December 2013
This is such a cool idea! Thanks for sharing. LOL on gramma's message!
Tuesday 31st of December 2013