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How To Make A Pom Pom Flamingo – Try Something New Every Month

Pom Pom Experiments - how to make a simple pom pom flamingo with pipe cleaners and yarn. Fun flamingo craft I made as a part of my annual "try something new every month" challenge!

Pom Pom Experiments - how to make a simple pom pom flamingo with pipe cleaners and yarn. Fun flamingo craft I made as a part of my annual "try something new every month" challenge!

I made a pom pom flamingo! July is coming to a close, so I’m sharing another Try Something New Every Month (TSNEM) project- this month’s ‘theme’ was yarn. You can see more about the year-long adventure and what else I’ve tried in this post.

I’ve never made or worked with pom poms before, and they were a great way to play with yarn as a non-knitter/crocheter! As a side note, my kids love saying the word ‘pom pom’ which led me to Wikipedia where the word came from (spoiler alert: it’s French for small decorative ball made of fabric or feathers. Not very exciting).

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pom pom makers

I have to admit, I’ve been hosed. I fell for the adorable animal pom pom makers at Target, part of their ‘handmade modern line’ and after actually using them and looking online, I would’ve been much better off buying these pom pom makers from Clover*! You can make pom poms without any fancy tools, you can use your hand or a piece of cardboard, or even a fork.

handmade pom poms

I played around with a few different sizes – surprisingly, I found it hardest to get the little ones looking even.

pink pom poms

I don’t know what it is but pom poms are so pleasing to hold and touch. Maybe I was a cat in a previous life! My kids went crazy for them too; they make great play-things and don’t hurt when they are chucked at someone’s head (always a plus in this house).

pom pom flamingo

I had seen some pom pom flamingos on Pinterest and thought I’d give it a try! I just bought some pipe cleaners and tied them in, no fancy instructions needed. I like how simple it looks – and my kids love bending all the limbs.

pom pom maker

From the back of the packaging, a how-to on making them. You just wind and wind, tie off in the middle, cut the loops, and then trim. If you want perfectly matched pom poms, you can count how many times you wrap the yarn – and sharp scissors work better! I ended up getting the best results with these little embroidery snips that I love*.

This project was super fast and easy – now I’m brainstorming what other animals are simple to make with pom pom bodies! I can’t get enough of these bunnies on one of my favorite blogs, have you seen them?


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Thursday 28th of July 2016

Those are pretty cute pom poms. My daughter would go nuts for the flamingo....she is a bit flamingo crazy right now! And that pompom maker from target is super adorable....regardless of actual functionality! :)

Stephanie - Swoodson Says

Friday 29th of July 2016

Thanks Carolynn! I am a bit flamingo crazy too :)

Magda E.

Thursday 28th of July 2016

Bahhh for me, I dropped off from the TSNEM challenge a couple of months ago already. It's been hard to craft at all lately. I love pom poms though, I used to make a lot when I was a child, and have thaught my daughter a while ago too. I used to make them with two cardbord circles we would draw in the size we needed them.

Stephanie - Swoodson Says

Friday 29th of July 2016

You can always join back in, at any time! I don't think I saw any tutorials using cardboard circles, I'll have to test that method out too :)

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