Hiking with kids is always fun and I love letting them roam and come up with creative outdoor play. Sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and do a more organized activity, and we had a good time choosing from all the options in this nature craft printable pack I got to try. We’ve been doing weekly art experiments for over a year but they rarely make the blog because I typically don’t have time to take pictures in the midst of paint or glue. I had a hard time deciding which site to share this on, in addition to being passionate about crafts and sewing, I love being outdoors! I also run www.desmoinesoutdoorfun.com – a site designed at making it easier to get outside in my area.
{This post contains affiliate links, indicated by an asterisk*. Please refer to ‘legal stuff’ in the top menu for more info. I received a free copy for review but all opinions are my own}
I’m sharing the Nature Art and Craft Printable Pack (affiliate link) that Penny from Mother Natured just released. Designed for kids ages 4-10, she says that “Inside, you’ll find printables to help support play, weaving, patterns, sensory development, fine motor skills, and most importantly, creative thinking! Nature appreciation is an underlying theme, because that’s the reason I made the pack in the first place!”. We had fun with the first activity we tried, this is a great idea to keep summer boredom at bay.
I have a few nature craft books but sometimes it can be overwhelming to page through a million ideas, I like how organized and easy this pack is. It’s the perfect length for summer to try and do all of them for the first time; I think almost all of them would lend themselves well to a summer camp setting too (I should know, I used to be a camp counselor!).
We did the ‘Nature Creatures’ activity, and both my 2 and 4 year old were amused.
This activity comes with the base arm/leg design, face elements you cut out, then you add the nature bits and bobs. Both my kids were determined to add flowers, so fancy.
We love doing activities that involve collecting stuff, that is half the fun! We got their buckets off Amazon here*, and they have held up well after over a year of abuse.
Included in the pack are the following activities:
- Color with Nature
- Seasonal Tree Art
- Nature Fine Motor Art
- Nature Patterns
- Symmetry in Nature
- Nature Grid Sketch
- Nature Weaving
- Nature Mosaics
- Nature People
- Nature Creatures
- Nature Dress Ups
- Nature Toy Dress Ups
- Art & Craft Nature Journal
You can download a free excerpt here at this link. and try out the nature mask activity! I think several of the activities would be fun with the whole family out camping or at a holiday gathering, so check it out and buy the Nature Art and Craft Printable Pack here*, there is an early bird price through the beginning of June!