The best way to find out what I’m making and sharing is by signing up for my newsletter! You can subscribe through this link, it goes out Tuesday mornings. Another benefit as a subscriber is access to my resource library. This is where I store all my free patterns and templates! Sign up here, confirm your subscription, and the password will come in your welcome email. I used to do weekly Friday Favorites posts with the same format and simply switched that into the newsletter. If you have somehow tried to find an old Friday Favorites post, I’ve redirected you here, because that type of content is now in my newsletters.
I share a little blurb and photo of each blog post that was published during the week, links to posts from the past, and links to cool stuff I’ve found online and wanted to share. Sometimes they’re sewing and craft related, sometimes they’re not, but I’d like to think they’re all creatively inspiring.
Here’s an example link pack, from past newsletters:
- “Can a hashtag change the fashion industry?” by Stephanie Hepburn for The Guardian talks about Fashion Revolution Day (which was in April) and if the social media campaign actually has any impact. I’d love to hear your thoughts on ‘hashtag activism’! I posted lots of thoughts on fast fashion in a post about the book Overdressed, which is related.
- I have a armchair/backrest pillow thing that I use often for reading in bed and I was just thinking about trying to make a cover. It sounds way easier to make one from scratch, and I stumbled on a tutorial from Sew Happy Geek! Would be great for gifts too.
- This idea for glue art on canvas from the Artful Parent looks easy and fun!
- A round-up of Valentine’s Day quilt patterns/tutorials
So, are you convinced? I really love pulling links together, and it’s so fun when people email back or respond to things I’ve shared. Sign up and don’t miss an issue!
Saturday 14th of December 2024
Please send me the sheep pattern. i have subscribed.
Stephanie - Swoodson Says
Saturday 14th of December 2024
hi! i'll email you instructions :)
Friday 14th of July 2023
I’m trying to find the pattern to your sheep softie. I signed up and signed in, but each link just takes me to the same page. I would like to make several of these for our church nursery. So cute! Thanks!
Stephanie - Swoodson Says
Sunday 23rd of July 2023
emailed you!
Saturday 24th of July 2021
Way too many adds I spend more time getting rid of them just to find I have no access to your very cute stuffed toy patterns. Jan
Stephanie - Swoodson Says
Tuesday 4th of July 2023
ads are how I play my bills :)
Lisa at Mabey She Made It
Thursday 2nd of July 2015
Such great information!
Vicky Myers
Thursday 2nd of July 2015
Interesting reading - I send out newsletters infrequently:( But I have been surprised at how people gradually continue to sign up without me promoting it, must be because people like the format of a newsletter:)