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DIY Boy’s Valentine’s Day Shirt – Tinley Tee by GYCT Designs

Sew a boys Valentine's Day shirt with this cute heart dump truck! It's all upcycled materials and he loves it.

It can be hard to find Valentine’s Day things to sew for boys, but I am loving the DIY Valentine’s Day shirt I sewed for my son! I added a kangaroo pocket and a dump truck applique with some hearts. He can’t get enough of trucks, and he was highly amused to have a pocket to stick trucks in, that had a truck on it.

{I received this pattern for free, we traded! All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links, indicated by an asterisk*. Please refer to ‘legal stuff’ in the top menu for more info.}

I started with the  Tinley Tee* by GYCT Designs as a base pattern and love how it turned out (see last year’s Valentine’s shirt here!). Check out the Little Artist Palette that Chelsea sewed up from my shop! The pattern is marketed towards girls and fits sizes 12m-12y, with additional flutter and gathered sleeve options, but I think it works for boys too.

Dump Truck Applique

I added the kangaroo pocket and dump truck applique. I’ve added the applique file as a free pattern since I first published this post, download it here! If your kid loves trucks, also check out this list of truck sewing tutorials for kids.

Tinley Tee GYCT Designs

These are the best pictures I could get for fit – he measured for a 3T but I jumped up to 4 since Valentine’s Day is over a month away and he tends to grow like a weed. Both fabrics are from upcycled shirts, so I just reused the existing hems. I found the neckline to be generous, even given the bigger size, which is great for his 99%-sized head.

The pattern directions were clear and I had no issues printing, taping, sewing, etc. I especially love all the different options that come with the pattern; it is a pet peeve when designers tweak one tiny thing and then sell it as a brand new garment. You could make a ton of different shirts from this; definitely grab a copy of the Tinley Tee* for yourself! If you’d like the free dump truck applique pattern, check out this post.

Sew a boys Valentine's Day shirt with this cute heart dumpt truck! It's all upcycled materials and he loves it. Valentine's Day ideas for boys can be hard but this is so fun!

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Thursday 22nd of January 2015

I love the applique. I was a tester for the Tinley Tee and my daughter wears it over all the shirts in her closet. It's a great pattern. I should probably make her a valentines version!

Stephanie - Swoodson Says

Thursday 22nd of January 2015

thanks Jaime! You should definitely make a Valentines version :)

Stephanie - Swoodson Says

Thursday 22nd of January 2015

thanks Jaime! You should definitely make a Valentines version :)


Wednesday 21st of January 2015

Sooo cute! I love the dumptruck! I've made the Tinley for my nieces, but haven't tried it for my boys yet - I think I will :)

Stephanie - Swoodson Says

Thursday 22nd of January 2015

Chelsea said it fits boys until around size 8! Moreee tinleyyys for all!

Chelsea @ GYCT Designs

Wednesday 21st of January 2015

Love how it turned out Stephanie! I love to use the Tinley Tee for my little man. I have found that it works great for boys up until about size 8. Can't wait for that applique!

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